Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The probability of getting the best shot

Getting the best shot is every body's ultimate dream. It boils down to to the fact that the shot should be in tandem with the overall concept and does not look fake or dull and isolated from the rest of the footage. It is not a question how but when the best moment appears. It is highly recommended that you be alert all the time and do not let the precious moments to slip away without being 'tagged.' This is when consistent exercise bears the fruit. As for me, shooting video should not be restricted to only one particular subject, eg: wedding. The broader your scope, the more experience you gain in terms of pre and post production process. Versatility is the order of the day as it transcends the mental barrier in which you comfortably entrenched yourself in all these years. Shooting videos for corporate functions or family day should give proper insight of the requirement needed as you are dealing with dynamic environment and intuition is crucial element in determing the next step as the surrounding might change all in sudden and forgetting to bring along extra light could ruin the entire footage and your reputation as well. It is best to say that being too preoccupied with single format production does have negative residual effects.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

pre-visualization & moments alert

Pre visualization requires us to forecast whatever potential footage we could create in the location. By doing that we are very certain of what we are going to shoot. A choreography move is therefore essential to make sure the footage is in line with the theme and concept desired by the customers . A well choreographed event sequence can eliminate unnecessary scenes which are considered redundant in non linear editing process. This is necessary as we have to integrate and fuse suitable elements in real time with minimal / optimum utilization of video Fx effects. Overdoing it would render the final product to become like secondary students' PowerPoint projects as they tend to incorporate too much surprising elements to impress pretty faces near the front row seats. Less is more should be the ideal foundation in producing pleasant to look at clips. Furthermore it will look professional and most important of all the clips should  represent the way you convey the ideas in creative format without 'additional attention grabber struggle.' It has to be effortless and that's when the 'moments alert intuition' kicks in like an unstoppable Nostradamus protege. The precious moments are like lightnings, never strike twice. Could you ask the parents of the bride to shed their tears again? Even if they agree, it will be like asking Fidel Castro to do zapin or Arnold Schwarzenegger to sing dangdut.
Insist for schedule from your clients. If they can not give you print out page then make sure you are able to jot down vital point by calling or meeting them personally. Being a wedding / function cinematographer requires sniper-like concentration. The snipers have handlers or those who anticipate Coriolis effect that might change the end result using state of the art gadgetry so they can concentrate on the target and fully reap the benefit of getting the diazepam in the system. What do we have?
Nothing more than a sharp mind and steady hands.